My last post was on 0811, The right thing.

Then for many reasons, I stopped.

And it’s very dangerous to stop when I am building a habit. It’s when the habit dies.

So I decided to lower the standard. This is truly rambling, without quality control.

I said in One blog a day that I just had to write something, anything.

It’s always easier said than done.

Somehow the barrier just gets higher and higher, till it surpassed my energy to pound even one thought out - even though the average human would have thousands of thoughts each hour.

It’s focusing that’s the hard part.

A lot of things had happened since my last blog.

  • I dealt with some of my biggest fear over the past decade, and the full aftermath of that is still sinking in.
  • I am settling in Dallas, very slowly. The heat was tough, the loneliness was tougher, still I am hopeful.
  • I finished reading the book Chaos: Making a New Science by James Gleick. I’ll try to write a book note - just pulling some inspiring quotes from it.

I think I may just keep rambling for a while, in an almost journal like style. I have to remind myself that I am doing this for me, that I am trying to hold myself accountable.

Anyway, I kind of a bad day, and for no particular reason, which made me write this thing, to make myself feel better.

I guess that’s just how life is sometime.

Like in they said in Slaughterhouse 5, so it goes.