James Sexton: Divorce Lawyer on Marriage, Relationships, Sex, Lies & Love | Lex Fridman Podcast #396 - YouTube

Relationships are about connections. Relationships fail because we lose connection with our partner.

I think we also lose connection to ourselves, and that’s the source of many of our suffering.

Rich and powerful people have relationship problems just like everyone else. Human suffering, struggles, insecurities and depressions are fractal, they are scale free. Actually, it might be worse when you climb higher on the social ladder and acquire more.

Psychedelic with proper guidance, might help us find empathy towards each other.

James lives an extremely disciplined life. He wakes up at 4 am naturally and goes to bed around 8 pm. He hasn’t seen new year eve’s 9 pm in years. He lives his working life by intervals of 6 minutes (0.1 h) - his smallest billing unit.

In a way lawyers are like boxers (or chess players or any other competitive professions), they are pitched against each other, they try to tear the other apart in court - I wonder if their neurochemistry after a court fight would resemble two baboons who just slashed each others’ face with their canines.

They both like Tom Waits, whom I know nothing about.

They both train in Jiu-jitsu.

Every marriage ends, in death or divorce.

For most people, getting married is the most legally significant thing they are going to do other than dying.

Prenups are good ideas, because we can’t predict the future and life often have surprises awaiting us beyond our wildest imagination.

Once a lawyer is needed, the cheapest price for divorce is thousands of dollars.

Managing marital finances is like anal sex: proceed carefully and have discussion in advance, don’t just spring it on someone. Realize that if this goes wrong, it will go catastrophically wrong.

In the movie True love, the Gary Oldman scene where he offers his opponent Chinese food, was a good lesson on negotiation. People with real power are usually calm. The small dogs bark louder.

Credibility is the most important thing in court. Don’t make stupid lies that can be caught easily.

Tragedy and drama, is that the where word “trauma” is from?

Lex’s final quote

Your task is not to seek for love,

but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

--- Rumi
