Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

--- Albert Einstein

I am failing the Slow carb diet. The rule of “no simple carbs for six days a week”, this completely man-made scarcity, has fueled my craving and caused great stress and fear for me.

According to recent records, I just can’t keep the diet recently. I keep breaking the rules, for social reasons, for stress reasons, or just flat out didn’t want to comply.

Yesterday I ate probably a total of 2 pounds of cakes, crackers, cookies and granola bars.

And it was not my cheat day.

It takes courage to face the failure, and instead of getting angry and slip into the less resisting path of low effort negativity, I think it’s better to stay calm and say:

So that didn’t work, try again.

But try something new, try to fail differently this time.

Since I constantly break my diet when I’m with other people. I thought I’d try this new rule, it’s simple (but probably hard).

  • Avoid simple carbs whenever I can.
  • Eat one meal a day whenever I can.
  • Try to only eat while others are around.

It seems most of my binging episodes happen when I’m alone - a lot of dark down spirals do. Other people’s existence might be a good guarding mechanism, and it might help pushing me out to make more friends. I don’t even have to talk to them, they just need to be around.

And eat carbs if I can’t curb the urge - I know this is subjective and it introduces the chaos and might cause harm, but I am trying to give the body more autonomy.

I have to believe the body and mind has aligned common interest, that they both want the best for this organism, and having a healthy strong body, living a long, happy life is at the core of it.

Give the unconscious mind more credit. Maybe the forced carb eating is the body trying to save us from depression.