Resume/CV - Rui Guo ( pdf


Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Jun 2023 (expected)

B.S., University of Science and Technology of China, 2016


Publications & Presentations

Research Experience

2017 - 2023: Graduate Research Associate, University of Pennsylvania

Applying a statistical model to solve the protein design problem, i.e., calculating amino acid sequences that when synthesized, fold into target 3D protein structures, to create proteins that possess desired functionalities, such as high thermal stability, enzyme activity or host-guest assemblies

For details of grad research, please refer to Research page.

2014 - 2016: Undergraduate Researcher, University of Science and Technology of China

Leadership, Teaching and Outreach

Computational Lab Manager, Saven Lab - 2018 - 2023

XSEDE Supercomputer Resource Proposal Manager, Saven Lab - 2019 – 2023

Graduate Teaching Assistant, UPenn - Fall 2016 – Spring 2017 & Fall 2019 – Spring 2020

Philadelphia Area Girls Enjoying Science (PAGES) Outreach - Nov 2019

Vice Chairman of the Chemistry Student Group, School of Chemistry & Material Science, USTC - 2014 – 2015