As I am curious about genomic and bioinformatics related research. I took Genomic Data Science Sepcialization courses offered by Johns Hopkins University on Coursera.

Courses include Introduction to Genomics Technologies, Command Line Tools for Genomics, Python for Genomics and Algorithms for DNA Sequencing. Certificates are listed at the end of the page.

Course Notes

Introduction to Genomics

Common File Formats and Software in Genomics

  • A review of common formats in genomics: SAM/BAM, BED, GFF3/GFF/GTF, VCF/BCF, FastA/Q, as well as 3 course projects (adapted for better clarity).

    • Project 1: Unix basic (grep, cut, awk, comm, sort, uniq)
    • Project 2: Process SAM/BAM/BED/GTF files
    • Project 3: Align FastQ reads with bowtie2 and variant calling with bfctools

The course material came out in 2014 and some of the software it uses are obsolete now - it made me realize how fast things are moving in computational genomics, where the ability to learn and keep up with new algorithms and tools are crucial.

Python for Genomics Data Science

  • The course gives a brief introduction to python, and some broad advice of coding styles.
  • I keep a python note for quick look ups.

Algorithms for DNA Sequencing


Introduction to Genomic Technologis

Command Line Tools for Genomic Data Science

Python for Genomic Data Science

Algorithms for DNA Sequencing