VCF - Variant Call Format, is a text-based, tab-delimited format commonly used for variant calling.
BCF is the binary version of VCF.
VCF uses 1-based indices while BCF uses 0-based indices.
VCF files can be generated by tools such as samtools, GATK, FreeBayes, and can be analyzed/visualized by tools such as vcftools, bcfools and ANNOVAR.
Meta-information lines: ”##” at the beginning of a file
fileformat - VCF version, required first line
INFO - 4 required tags: ID, Number, Type, Description
ALT - alternative allele format, ID can be DEL, INS, DUP, INV, DUP:TANDEM; DEL:ME, INS:ME
contig - a contiguous sequence, usually a reference genome/chromosome assembly.
PEDIGREE - relationships between genome or database url
Header line: names of 8 fixed mandatory columns.
Col numbers: 1 CHROM; 2 POS; 3 ID; 4 REF; 5 ALT; 6 QUAL; 7 FILTER; 8 INFO