For searches that won’t yield a match, givng up faster saves us time, the same principle applies to life too.

Developed by Robert S. Boyer and J Strother Moore in 1977, the Boyer-Moore matching algorithm is widely used for pattern matching. It’s a common benchmark for exact matching.

In Naive Exact Matching, the pattern P slides/shifts from left to right, and at each alignment, we check for matching from left to right for each substring of length P.

In Boyer-Moore matching, P also slides from left to right, but at each alignment, the matching is checked from right to left.

More importantly, when a mismatch is found, it uses two tricks to skip forward many alignments that do not need to checked.

This means instead of shifting P one character to the right and check every possible alignments like in naive exact matching, P is often shifted many steps, skipping many alignments that we know for sure will not be a match.

The two tricks are the bad character rule and the good suffix rule.

1.The bad character rule

To get a sense of this rule, imagine the following case in naive exact matching.

P: word
T: Hello world word!

As P slides to offset 6, the navie exact matching checks if P “word” matches with the substring “worl” at the current alignment, and found a mismatch of “l” in T and “d” in P.

Since the character “l” does not exist in P at all, instead of sliding P one offset to the right and check the next substring of T, we can slide the entirely of P pass this character - since any cases where “l” overlapping with P will NOT be a match.

P: word
T: Hello world word!

Instead of sliding the pattern “word” from offset 6 to offset 7, we now slide it directly to offset 10, skipping 3 steps/alignments (7, 8, 9) in between.

The bad character rule states that upon finding a mismatch, skip alignments (sliding P forward, to the right) until (a) this mismatch becomes a match, or the entirely of P slides past the mismatched character.

It makes sense, since for a match to happen, either this particular character needs to be matched (when P is overlapping with the character), or P moves pass it entirely (no longer overlapping with the character).

Note that Boyer-Moore checks matching from right to left, so in the previous example, it would first check “l” in T and “d” in P, which is a mismatch, and the bad character rule would slide P entirely pass this “bad character”.

2.The good suffix rule

The good suffix rule makes more sense with a case where P is longer.


In the case above, we are checking P for a match at offset 0 from right to left, and found a mismatch of “C” in the text and “T” in the pattern. Because Boyer Moore checks from right to left, when found a mismatched character, the substring after that character will be matched - the “good suffix”, in our case it’s “TAC”. As we slide P forward to find an alignment that would result in a match, this “good suffix” will need to stay matched somewhere in P, for our case, P will be skipped forward until another “TAC” matches this good suffix.


Here, instead of shifting P one offset to the right for the next alignment, we shift 4 offsets to make the good suffix “TAC” stay matched, skipping 3 alignments in the process.

The good suffix rule is that upon finding a mismatched character, the “good suffix” (the substring from right after the character to the end of P) will be used to skip alignments - skip until (a) another part of P matches the good suffix, or (b) P move past the good suffix.

Look up table and time complexity

The number of skips we can perform for the bad character and good suffix rules is entirely depended on the pattern P.

In practice, P is preprocessed to build a look up table for both rules, so upon a mismatch, we will know now many steps to skip in constant time by checking the table.

If the length of pattern P is m, and length of text T is n, Naive exact match has a time complexity of O(mn).

For Boyer-Moore, the worst-case time complexity is also O(mn), when there are many mismatches. However, in practice, it’ll often skip many alignments and be faster than the naive exact match, the best-case time complexity for Boyer-Moore is O(m/n).

Implementing Boyer-Moore matching in Python

An example of implementing Boyer-Moore matching algorithm in Python, and use it to match short DNA reads back to a genome can be found in this Google Colab file.

Very briefly, we have a class “BoyerMoore” that preprocesses a pattern P, building look up tables for the bad character rule and the good suffix rule.

Then similar to exact match, we slide/align P at different offsets and compare P to substrings of T from right to left, upon finding a mismatch, we check the skips we can perform according to the bad character rule and the good suffix rule, and uses the bigger skip of the two.

# Preprocessing part is not shown here
# The file contains a BoyerMoore class
# that builds the bad character rule look up table
# and the good suffix rule look up table
from bm_preproc import *
def boyer_moore(p, p_bm, t):
    i = 0 # current alignemnt/ offset of checking
    occurrences = []
    while i < len(t) - len(p) + 1: # the last checking point before p goes out of bounds
        shift = 1
        mismatched = False
        for j in range(len(p) - 1, -1, -1): # j goes from the index of last char in p, then second last, all the way to 0
            if p[j] != t[i+j]: # found mismatch
                shift_bc = p_bm.bad_character_rule(j, t[i+j]) # bad character rule
                shift_gs = p_bm.good_suffix_rule(j) # good suffix rule
                shift = max(shift_bc, shift_gs)
                mismatched = True
        if not mismatched: # entire p matched
            shift_gs = p_bm.match_skip()
            shift = max(shift, shift_gs)
        i += shift
    return occurrences

The original paper:

Boyer, RS and Moore, JS. “A fast string searching algorithm.” Communications of the ACM 20.10 (1977): 762-772

Coding problem: implementing Boyer-Moore

Play around with the codes in this Google Colab file.

We’ll implement the Boyer-Moore algorithm and use it to match short DNA reads to a genome.

We will compare Boyer-Moore and naive exact match by checking

(a) the number of character comparisons performed and

(b) the number of alignments tried.

These measurements indicate the amount of calcualtion/time needed for the algorithms.

Coding project

Download the genome file (part of human chromosome 1) and address the questions below.

Q1. How many alignments does Boyer-Moore try when matching the string GGCGCGGTGGCTCACGCCTGTAATCCCAGCACTTTGGGAGGCCGAGG (derived from human Alu sequences) to the excerpt of human chromosome 1?

Q2. How many alignments does the naive exact matching algorithm try when matching the string GGCGCGGTGGCTCACGCCTGTAATCCCAGCACTTTGGGAGGCCGAGG (derived from human Alu sequences) to the excerpt of human chromosome 1?

Q3. How many character comparisons does the naive exact matching algorithm try when matching the string GGCGCGGTGGCTCACGCCTGTAATCCCAGCACTTTGGGAGGCCGAGG (derived from human Alu sequences) to the excerpt of human chromosome 1?

Files needed:

The Python module for Boyer-Moore preprocessing:

This module provides the BoyerMoore class, which encapsulates the preprocessing info used by the boyer_moore function above. Second, download the provided excerpt of human chromosome 1:

The reference genome:

# get files needed
# the module that preprocessing P,
# builds the look up table
# for the bad character rule and good suffix rule
# genome file
# read and store genome
def readGenome(fastAfile): 
    genome = ''
    with open(fastAfile, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            if not line[0] == '>':
                genome += line.rstrip()
    return genome
genome = readGenome('./chr1.GRCh38.excerpt.fasta')

Q1 Number of alignments for Boyer-Moore

from bm_preproc import *
def boyer_moore_with_counts(p, p_bm, t):
    i = 0 # current alignemnt/ offset of checking
    occurrences = []
    num_alignments, num_char_compred = 0, 0 
    while i < len(t) - len(p) + 1: # the last checking point before p goes out of bounds
        num_alignments += 1
        shift = 1
        mismatched = False
        for j in range(len(p) - 1, -1, -1): # j goes from the index of last char in p, then second last, all the way to 0
            num_char_compred += 1
            if p[j] != t[i+j]: # found mismatch
                shift_bc = p_bm.bad_character_rule(j, t[i+j]) # bad character rule
                shift_gs = p_bm.good_suffix_rule(j) # good suffix rule
                shift = max(shift_bc, shift_gs)
                mismatched = True
        if not mismatched: # entire p matched
            shift_gs = p_bm.match_skip()
            shift = max(shift, shift_gs)
        i += shift
    return occurrences, num_alignments, num_char_compred
p_bm = BoyerMoore(p)
print(f'Number of alignments for Boyer Mooer: {boyer_moore_with_counts(p, p_bm, genome)[1]}')

Q2,3 Nuber of alignments & character comparison for naive exact matching

def naive_with_counts(p,s): # exact match of p in s
    occurrences = []
    num_alignment, num_char_compared = 0, 0
    for i in range(len(s) - len(p) + 1): # i indiates the alignment
        num_alignment += 1
        match = True
        for j in range(len(p)):
            num_char_compared += 1
            if not p[j] == s[i+j]: # find mismatch
                match = False
        if match:
    return occurrences, num_alignment, num_char_compared
print(f'Number of alignments in naive exact matching {naive_with_counts(p, genome)[1]}')
print(f'Number of chars compared in naive exact matching {naive_with_counts(p, genome)[2]}')

Appendix: Boymer_Moore Class Implementation

Showing the content of the for reference

Creating a p_bm object that preprocesses pattern p, implementing the look up tables for the bad character rule and the good suffix rule.

""" Boyer-Moore preprocessing."""
__author__ = "Ben Langmead"
def z_array(s):
    """ Use Z algorithm (Gusfield theorem 1.4.1) to preprocess s """
    assert len(s) > 1
    z = [len(s)] + [0] * (len(s)-1)
    # Initial comparison of s[1:] with prefix
    for i in range(1, len(s)):
        if s[i] == s[i-1]:
            z[1] += 1
    r, l = 0, 0
    if z[1] > 0:
        r, l = z[1], 1
    for k in range(2, len(s)):
        assert z[k] == 0
        if k > r:
            # Case 1
            for i in range(k, len(s)):
                if s[i] == s[i-k]:
                    z[k] += 1
            r, l = k + z[k] - 1, k
            # Case 2
            # Calculate length of beta
            nbeta = r - k + 1
            zkp = z[k - l]
            if nbeta > zkp:
                # Case 2a: zkp wins
                z[k] = zkp
                # Case 2b: Compare characters just past r
                nmatch = 0
                for i in range(r+1, len(s)):
                    if s[i] == s[i - k]:
                        nmatch += 1
                l, r = k, r + nmatch
                z[k] = r - k + 1
    return z
def n_array(s):
    """ Compile the N array (Gusfield theorem 2.2.2) from the Z array """
    return z_array(s[::-1])[::-1]
def big_l_prime_array(p, n):
    """ Compile L' array (Gusfield theorem 2.2.2) using p and N array.
        L'[i] = largest index j less than n such that N[j] = |P[i:]| """
    lp = [0] * len(p)
    for j in range(len(p)-1):
        i = len(p) - n[j]
        if i < len(p):
            lp[i] = j + 1
    return lp
def big_l_array(p, lp):
    """ Compile L array (Gusfield theorem 2.2.2) using p and L' array.
        L[i] = largest index j less than n such that N[j] >= |P[i:]| """
    l = [0] * len(p)
    l[1] = lp[1]
    for i in range(2, len(p)):
        l[i] = max(l[i-1], lp[i])
    return l
def small_l_prime_array(n):
    """ Compile lp' array (Gusfield theorem 2.2.4) using N array. """
    small_lp = [0] * len(n)
    for i in range(len(n)):
        if n[i] == i+1:  # prefix matching a suffix
            small_lp[len(n)-i-1] = i+1
    for i in range(len(n)-2, -1, -1):  # "smear" them out to the left
        if small_lp[i] == 0:
            small_lp[i] = small_lp[i+1]
    return small_lp
def good_suffix_table(p):
    """ Return tables needed to apply good suffix rule. """
    n = n_array(p)
    lp = big_l_prime_array(p, n)
    return lp, big_l_array(p, lp), small_l_prime_array(n)
def good_suffix_mismatch(i, big_l_prime, small_l_prime):
    """ Given a mismatch at offset i, and given L/L' and l' arrays,
        return amount to shift as determined by good suffix rule. """
    length = len(big_l_prime)
    assert i < length
    if i == length - 1:
        return 0
    i += 1  # i points to leftmost matching position of P
    if big_l_prime[i] > 0:
        return length - big_l_prime[i]
    return length - small_l_prime[i]
def good_suffix_match(small_l_prime):
    """ Given a full match of P to T, return amount to shift as
        determined by good suffix rule. """
    return len(small_l_prime) - small_l_prime[1]
def dense_bad_char_tab(p, amap):
    """ Given pattern string and list with ordered alphabet characters, create
        and return a dense bad character table.  Table is indexed by offset
        then by character. """
    tab = []
    nxt = [0] * len(amap)
    for i in range(0, len(p)):
        c = p[i]
        assert c in amap
        nxt[amap[c]] = i+1
    return tab
class BoyerMoore(object):
    """ Encapsulates pattern and associated Boyer-Moore preprocessing. """
    def __init__(self, p, alphabet='ACGT'):
        # Create map from alphabet characters to integers
        self.amap = {alphabet[i]: i for i in range(len(alphabet))}
        # Make bad character rule table
        self.bad_char = dense_bad_char_tab(p, self.amap)
        # Create good suffix rule table
        _, self.big_l, self.small_l_prime = good_suffix_table(p)
    def bad_character_rule(self, i, c):
        """ Return # skips given by bad character rule at offset i """
        assert c in self.amap
        assert i < len(self.bad_char)
        ci = self.amap[c]
        return i - (self.bad_char[i][ci]-1)
    def good_suffix_rule(self, i):
        """ Given a mismatch at offset i, return amount to shift
            as determined by (weak) good suffix rule. """
        length = len(self.big_l)
        assert i < length
        if i == length - 1:
            return 0
        i += 1  # i points to leftmost matching position of P
        if self.big_l[i] > 0:
            return length - self.big_l[i]
        return length - self.small_l_prime[i]
    def match_skip(self):
        """ Return amount to shift in case where P matches T """
        return len(self.small_l_prime) - self.small_l_prime[1]